
Microsoft Office 2013

November 3, 2013

Recently, I updated my Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, and all I can say is….it is incredible awesome! You should update it as soon as you can and you will know the difference between the two. πŸ˜€

Back to the main topic, I had my Microsoft Office 2010 version, and yesterday, I was able to bought and update it to Microsoft Office 2013. FYI, it’s PRO (Genuine) not a crack one..

It is the successor of Microsoft Office 2010 and includes extended file format support, user interface updates and support for touch among its new features. πŸ™‚

Anyway, I just want to share it with you guys that there is BIG difference from the last version. MS Office 2013, is also available in 33 languages. Since, I always use the MS Word, MS Excel and MS Powerpoint, here are some of my screenshots of MS Office 2013:

MS Word 2013

In MS Word 2013, it has more features that will easily to you to access or you can even choose your template/s.



You can alsoΒ  share, export your files and even connect to the other services, such as: Facebook, Skydrive and etc.

File Menu

File Menu

You can also your Office Background in File menu. And yeah! Hoping that there will be more Office Background in their next update. πŸ˜€

MS Excel 2013

Just like in Word, there are also templates in MS Excel..



Sample Homework Schedule

Sample Homework Schedule

Sample Project-to-do-list

Sample Project-to-do-list

Sample Daily Work Schedule

Sample Daily Work Schedule

Since that I am a full-time student in the university.. There are times that I can’t even remember what will you do, how much did you spend this day, your to do-list, and someone or something that will remind you in your homework or even you work-to-schedule… Excel have these awesome features! Isn’t it great? πŸ˜€

MS PowerPoint 2013

MS PowerPoint 2013 has its own templates and themes for your very own taste. There are also some of its categories for you to choose from. πŸ™‚

Templates and Themes

Templates and Themes

Though it costs soooooooooo you so much bucks, I assume that you will not regret it. They also have a discount if you are a student. So, you don’t have to worryΒ  because its genuine and it’s lifetime. πŸ™‚


Till next time guys!

Tinayyy πŸ™‚

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