Christine Cloma

Onyx USB Mini Speaker

Hello folks! I just want to share with you my new bought baby. Although there were times that I really need to tight up my pockets/wallet especially when it comes to buying some accessories of my gadgets.  HAHAHA. It’s a mini speaker from CD-r King and here it is! 🙂

My baby!

The good thing here is, it is supported in Mobile Phones, Tablet, Portable Gaming, Music Players or even Computers, as long as there is its audio jack. Argh anyway I’m no good of that jack2x thingy. Lol

Here are the following specifications of the said mini speaker:


I’m testing it right now as in RIGHT NOW. (Currently listening to Spotify) while typing this. Haha, so far so good no problems at all. But, I’m giving this a shot till 1 month if there’s some problem.

Perhaps, it is not the best among the best sounds evah compared to the branded speakers out there nevertheless it is still a  big OK for me.

It’s cheap/affordable/not expensive what else? Let’s assume all synonyms of cheap are here. Haha 🙂

You can visit their website by clicking this -> CD-r King

that’s all for now! Take care! 😀

