Christine Cloma

TheFaceShop – Chia Seed Fresh Cleansing Foam Review

Hello everyone, I just want to share my review of my first ever TheFaceShop product ~ Chia Seed Fresh Cleansing Foam. I’ll be putting some of my personal view of what does this cleanser do for me, is it effective or does have its consequences to my skin or none of those.

One of my major-major problems is my face. Lol. Literally, I don’t have this “perfect” skin, especially on my FACE. Perhaps due to the weather or the surroundings. I have these pores (VISIBLE PORES T_T) which I’m feeling myself as “ugly face” feeling or for short I’m envy to those who have porcelain face. (I know I’m overacting. Just argh. :P) But, thanks for the compact/face powder/foundations/bb creams, which leaves/turns my visible pores to invisible or they got smaller. LOL 🙁

Anyhow, I bought this Chia Seed Cleanser from TheFaceShop, here are my DAY ONE observations:

I’ve read some of the reviews that hey experienced stingy feelings, or even tightness, or EVEN itchiness on their face. Maybe, because of their skin types or the product that they are using is not somehow effective to ’em. I’m not a dermatologist, so I have no right to comment. 😀

Product preview:

Chia Seed Cleanser Tube

Back of the tube

Sorry its blurry, shaky hands of mine. hahaha

Upon opening the cap

the cleanser ~

once you rubbed the cleanser, and you can see/feel the granules

FINAL VERDICT after 14 days.. I decided to use the product for 1 month BUT not to pursue then, upon using the product because of the following reasons:

So here it goes! After using many facial cleanser brands and their products.. gonna stop using tghis. 🙂 Thanks~! :*